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    HOME                  EVALUATION & TREATMENT                  ABOUT LISE LYKKE THOMSEN                    THE CLINIC                            FAQs                     CONTACT/SECRETARIES                   DOWNLOADS AND LINKS  

Senior pediatric consultant, MD, PhD.



We treat children/adolesents between 0 and 18 years of age.


It's our goal to ensure you the best possible treatment. 

We value a respectful collaboration, high professional quality, good dialog and that you feel safe and comfortable during your treatment as a patient.


Please notify our secretary if your child is affected by MRSA, chickenpox, wooping cough or diarrhea, so that appointment can be planed without risk of other patients.



We follow the Danish Health and Medicines Authority's guidelines carefully, so that everyone can feel safe and secure here in the clinic.



The clinic is accredited without remarks. The clinic fulfills all the general and special-purpose measurement points for treatment and patient safety according to:



DDKM (Danish Healthcare Quality Programme)

Certificate 2017




DDKM (Danish Healthcare Quality Programme)

Certificate 2019



NB. The clinic is closed the 17th of July to the 19th of August.


Link to blood sampling



Please call 38683080 (3 pm- 6 pm) to book an appointment for bloodsample.



Link to privacy policy


For parents and











cancellation by phone 

+45 39 65 84 93


during secretary phone hours or by e.mail




Cancellations must be made no later than one week before the agreed time.
It costs DKK 250 to stay away from an agreed time without a cancellation.



39 65 84 93

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